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Bradford White Heat Pump | Tankless Pros Az | Phoenix, Az
Bradford White Heat Pump

Every Bradford White water heater is Built to be the Best® – and designed for outstanding performance. You can be confident your family will have hot water when they need it, every day, year after year.
Consider the Bradford White AeroTherm® Series
Heat Pump Advantages:
Our advanced technology AeroTherm® Series heat pump water heater has high efficiency, energy savings, and performance that homeowners will really warm up to. With four easily selectable operation modes (Heat Pump, Hybrid, Electric, and Vacation), the AeroTherm® Series gives you greater control over your water heater’s energy consumption.
It’s designed for indoor installation virtually anywhere – basement, garage, utility room, attic – even a closet. Energy Star® certified, the environmentally-friendly AeroTherm® can save the average homeowner up to $300 annually in energy costs and qualifies for many state and local utility rebate programs and tax credits. The AeroTherm® is a great choice for heating the water in your home – no matter where you live.

Up to $2,000 Federal Tax Credit
Under the Inflation Reduction Act*, homeowners are now eligible for a tax credit** of 30% of the total cost, up to $2,000, for heat pumps and/or heat pump water heaters, per section 25C of the US tax code. Only specific models qualify for the tax credit; you must have a tax liability to reduce your taxes. Consult your tax advisor for advice.
Benefits beyond savings:
More energy efficient - Up to 3.70 EF
Average energy saving of 76.3%
*The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA) is the largest climate investment by the Federal Government in American history 2005 levels by 2030.
**Terms: Must be filed with taxes in 2025 if purchased during the 2024 tax year. Any combination of heat pumps, heat pump water heaters, and biomass stoves/boilers is subject to an annual total limit of $2,000. It can be combined with other utility rebates. Federal Tax Credit IRS Form. It must be an existing home and principal residence. New construction and rentals do not apply. Principal residence can be a house, houseboat, mobile home, cooperative apartment, condominium, or a manufactured home. The total limit for an efficiency tax credit in one year is $3,200.