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Prices | Tankless Pros Az | Phoenix, Az
Tankless Water Heaters
Navien NPE-A2 series, Condensing technology—15-year factory warranty—saves an average of 40% of energy cost—lower maintenance—stainless-steel heat exchanger lasts 25+ years.
Arizona's Most Recommended And Trusted Brand
Please call us for a free quote. All prices include installation in the exact location of your existing gas water heater, installation by our Navien-certified technicians, a premium parts package, promotion discounts, free upgrades, old unit haul-away, and a 3-year artistry warranty.

Gas Tankless Water Heater


Recommended for 2-Bath Home
Navien Model: NPE-180A2
Hot Water Recirculation
Instant & Unlimited Hot Water
15-Years Factory Warranty
25+ Years Life Expectancy
96% Energy Efficiency
8.4 GPM
150,000 BTU/h
Navien Tankless Promotion
$500 Off Installation Package
$640 Free Navien Upgrades
Plus 30% Federal Tax Credit


Recommended for 3-Bath Home
Navien Model: NPE-210A2
Hot Water Recirculation
Instant & Unlimited Hot Water
15-Years Factory Warranty
25+ Years Life Expectancy
96% Energy Efficiency
10.1 GPM
180,000 BTU/h
Navien Tankless Promotion
$500 Off Installation Package
$640 Free Navien Upgrades
Plus 30% Federal Tax Credit


Recommended for 5-Bath Home
Navien Model: NPE-240A2
Hot Water Recirculation
Instant & Unlimited Hot Water
15-Years Factory Warranty
25+ Years Life Expectancy
96% Energy Efficiency
11.2 GPM
199,900 BTU/h
Navien Tankless Promotion
$500 Off Installation Package
$640 Free Navien Upgrades
Plus 30% Federal Tax Credit
Gas Water Heaters
Bradford White Defender Series, natural gas or propane—6 or 10-year factory warranty—saves 20% energy cost than other brands—HydroJet self-cleaning—titanium burner assembly.
Recommended Brand by Most Plumbers
Please call us for a free quote. All prices quoted include installation in the same location as your existing gas water heater, installation by our certified technicians, a premium parts package, an old unit haul-away, and a 3-year workmanship warranty.
Electric Traditional Water Heater
Bradford White, Electric 220V—6 or 10-year factory warranty—Saves 20% energy cost—HydroJet self-cleaning—INCLOY direct heat transfer elements—Vitraglas tank lining.
Most Trusted Brand by Most Professionals
Please call us for a free quote. All prices quoted include installation in the exact location of your existing gas water heater, installation by our certified technicians, a premium parts package, free upgrades, an old unit haul-away, and a 3-year artistry warranty.

Electric Traditional Water Heater
Electric Heat-Pump (Hybrid) Water Heater
Bradford White, Heat-Pump, Electric 220V - 10-Year factory warranty - Saves 76% energy cost - Energy Star Rated - Backup Elements - AeroTherm (self-diagnostic)
Lowest Energy Using Water Heater Ever Made.
Please call us for a free quote. All prices quoted include installation in the same location as your existing gas water heater, installation by our certified technicians, a premium parts package, free upgrades, an old unit haul-away, and a 3-year workmanship warranty.

Electric Heat-Pump Water Heater
Gas Water Heaters
Bradford White Defender Series, natural gas or propane—6 or 10-year factory warranty—saves 20% energy cost than other brands—HydroJet self-cleaning—titanium burner assembly.
Recommended Brand by Most Plumbers
Please call us for a free quote. All prices quoted include installation in the same location as your existing gas water heater, installation by our certified technicians, a premium parts package, an old unit haul-away, and a 3-year workmanship warranty.
Electric Traditional Water Heater
Bradford White, Electric 220V—6 or 10-year factory warranty—Saves 20% energy cost—HydroJet self-cleaning—INCLOY direct heat transfer elements—Vitraglas tank lining.
Most Trusted Brand by Most Professionals
Please call us for a free quote. All prices quoted include installation in the exact location of your existing gas water heater, installation by our certified technicians, a premium parts package, free upgrades, an old unit haul-away, and a 3-year artistry warranty.

Electric Traditional Water Heater
Electric Heat-Pump (Hybrid) Water Heater
Bradford White, Heat-Pump, Electric 220V - 10-Year factory warranty - Saves 76% energy cost - Energy Star Rated - Backup Elements - AeroTherm (self-diagnostic)
Lowest Energy Using Water Heater Ever Made.
Please call us for a free quote. All prices quoted include installation in the same location as your existing gas water heater, installation by our certified technicians, a premium parts package, free upgrades, an old unit haul-away, and a 3-year workmanship warranty.