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Hours 7:00AM to 7:00PM
What We Do | Tankless Pros Az | Phoenix, Az
What We Do

Tankless Pros Az
Since 1979, Tankless Pros Az has been committed to providing you with only the highest-quality water heaters and parts. Our certified technicians are manufacturer-trained to ensure only a quality installation per manufacturer specifications. Here is what you can expect when you call us for all your hot water needs.
Professionals Who Care!
Friendly Customer Service Team
Informed Service & Installation Technicians
Quick Service (Within 24 hours in most cases)
Quality Water Heaters (We only provide the industry's best)
Quality Parts (90% made in the USA)
3- Year Worry Free Workmanship Warranty
105% Price Guarantee (We will beat any competitor's written bid less 5%)
Free Recycle (We will haul away and recycle your old unit)
Easy Financing ( 24-months, 0% Interest, qualify in 15-minutes)
Bradford White
Traditional Gas Water Heaters Installed
30 Gallon Low Nox Gas
40 Gallon Low Nox Gas
50 Gallon Low Nox Gas
75 Gallon Low Nox Gas
80 Gallon Low Nox Gas
100 Gallon Low Nox Gas
Power Vented Low Nox Gas
Direct Vented Low Nox Gas
Traditional Electric Water Heaters Installed
30 Gallon 220V Electric
40 Gallon 220V Electric
50 Gallon 220V Electric
Heat Pump Electric Water Heaters Installed
50 Gallon 220V Electric Heat-Pump
65 Gallon 220V Electric Heat-Pump
80 Gallon 220V Electric Heat-Pump
Tankless Water Heaters Installed
Tankless Natural or Propane (LP) Gas
Tankless Pros Az offers professional water heater replacement for residential traditional gas and electric water heaters, including upgrades to gas tankless and electric heat-pump water heaters. All water heaters are replaced according to the manufacturer's recommendations and safety codes for your family's protection. Any worn or non-working parts will be replaced to ensure a proper installation.
Service & Repair Using OEM Parts
Traditional (tank-type) Any Brand Gas & Electric Water Heaters
Most Gas Tankless Brands Water Heaters
Specialty: Any Brand of Gas & Electric Water Heaters
Commercial: Any Brand Water Heater
We Do Not Do Warranty Work
Other Water Heater Services Performed
Water flex lines
Gas flex safety lines
Flue gas venting
Temperature relief lines
Drip safety pans
Thermal expansion tanks
Gas safety valves
Ball full port valves
Bonding water & gas piping
Other components related to the water heater
Hot water re-circulation system
Re-circulation pumps installed