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Whats the real cost | Tankless Pros Az | Phoenix Az
Whats the Real Cost

By Sidney Baysinger (06-12-2020)
Your costs to purchase and install a quality tankless water heater for a 2-bath home will usually range from about $3000 to $4000 plus local tax and permit fees if required, and for a 3-bath home, $3500 to $4500 plus local tax using your existing gas line. Plumbing and safety code requirements may require upgrading the current gas line to a larger size. Added costs may apply.
Some other tankless brands on the market are of good quality, and some are lower quality and installed at a lower price; we will not sell these other brands as they have proven in our experience to be unreliable and troublesome. If you go tankless, please get a quality brand; you'll be happy you made that choice and paid the extra cost.
We recommend the NAVIEN brand for these reasons: dependability, never a cold-water sandwich while taking a shower, 75% less maintenance with the dual stainless steel heat exchangers, longer lasting with a 15-year warranty, and average life span of 25-30 years. The optional water recirculating pump and buffer tank will give instant hot water at all faucets and showerheads.
'With its energy efficiency and durability, you can expect your NAVIEN tankless water heater to pay for itself within 3-4 years. Depending on your usage habits, it should pay for itself at least ten times during its life cycle. Our customers don't consider costs alone — the total cost of ownership is what matters.
Bet You didn't know?
Please don't believe what you read on various websites; we have found the most outdated and misleading information as gas tankless development has changed dramatically in the past several years. Condensing tankless technology has now been around for several years and has proven to be more energy efficient by up to 25% more durable than the standard tankless models (non-condensing) and much more reliable; in fact, the better brands have already switched over to this new technology as traditional models, saving consumers more energy than ever before.
Let me tell you why Tankless Pros Az. is a good choice for you! Plumbing has been our family trade since 1856, a long time in the plumbing business, and because of this, we take great pride in what we do and what products we offer to our customers; we understand the plumbing market and all the various products, we keep current with the changes as technology changes, and since we only replace the residential and commercial tank and tankless water heaters of every make and model, we have learned first-hand, what is an excellent reliable tank or tankless and what is not.
With Tankless Pros Az, you'll save the most energy and money. Our team professionally installs the suitable gas tankless water heater for your home. We carry the two quality brands known in the industry for their insurance and longevity, NAVIEN and RINNAI, which are especially suited for the climate and regulations in the Phoenix, Arizona, areas.
Call us for a free in-home, no-obligation evaluation, and receive a free written quote with options to get you the best recommended tankless for your home, family, and budget.
Call Us Today! Tankless Pros Az. 602-833-1533